Study Guide for "Lost Gospels"

Important Names, Terms for Exams
know the basic themes from the Gospels of Thomas, Mary and Peter

Study/Discussion Questions

As you read the Gospels of Thomas and Mary, consider:
-We've been discussing the different understandings of who Jesus is in the different canonical gospels. What kind of a figure is Jesus in these two gospels? What about him makes him a savior or messiah figure? What is important for readers of these gospels to know about Jesus and his message?

-Pick a passage from either the Gospel of Thomas or the Gospel of Mary you would like to discuss in class. Be prepared to talk about what you think is going on in the passage, why you think it is important, and what it means. It is OKAY if you are unsure about your interpretation, and it is OKAY to pick a passage that is confusing to you. We will discuss some of the passages on Wednesday or Friday. Please at least MENTION your passage in your READING RESPONSE. That will help me figure out who's talking about what. Thanks.

Compare the Gospel of Peter to the other Gospels we've read. What is different about the story, and how are those differences significant for our understanding the religious views of the author and his earliest audience (his community)?