World Religions



Class responses to, "What is Religion?"

Belief in a higher power
 also sense of a higher power, which can provide comfort
Personal belief
How you believe you should live your life
 how your life/actions affect others
 moral/ethical dimensions
 community & individual lifestyle
Explanation of how things came to be
 Ex., story of creation
How life is created and maintained, mixed with regional cultures
Shapes your place in the world
What happens when you die
 future reward
Answer/idea fofr things humans canít explain
Gives motivation to do certain things
Tests people:  asks them to believ in something unseen
Meaning of life
Groups/connects people -- gives them common activities
Organizational structure that provides rules, unites people
 (like the government)
 promotes conformity
Metaphysical and supernatural components
Ceremonies & rituals
How to live your day to day life
 Dress, family, etc.
Link to history for a culture
Causes wars