Christian Tradition

The University of the Pacific

RELI 130
Fall 2008

Prof. Caroline T. Schroeder

Department of Religious & Classical Studies

Psych/Comm 118

MWF 9:30-10:50

This course presents an historical and theological analysis of Christian thought and practice.  Fall 2008 will address Christianity in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages.  We will examine the conflicts, individuals, social movements, and theologies that shaped Christianity during its formative and early medieval periods.  Specific topics we will study include:  the spread of Christianity throughout  the Mediterranean world, martyrdoms and persecutions , Christian and Jewish relations,  politics and power, heresy, gender, slavery, and social class, Christian views of the body.  At the end of the semester, we will turn to contemporary  “hot topics,” whose debates have roots in the ancient world.



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Text in this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Image sources: Hinton St Mary Mosaic, 4th c. Dorset, England (Source: British Museum); San Vitale dome mosaic, Ravenna (Source: Contra Costa College); Via Salaria Sarcophagus, Vatican Museum (online photo source no longer available); Velata fresco, catacombs of Rome (Source: UW-Madison)